Temenos TAFC to TAFJ Conversion
Started in 2000, Maveric Systems helps global banking and fintech leaders accelerate business transformation through effective integration of domain, technology, future ready strategy and high velocity execution. Our deep focus in banking combined with specialized competencies across Data, Digital, Core Banking and Quality Engineering , make us the preferred transformation partner for customers worldwide. In the age of digital banking, every bank must stay ahead of disruptive technology curves. Thus, the modernization of the Temenos core banking system becomes extremely critical, by staying on top of its latest release, using a robust upgrade and migration strategy. Upgrading also lets you avail newer and better functionalities, which your bank could benefit from. Temenos TAFJ leverages the Java Technology features, thus enabling Temenos to take advantage of the latest technologies. TAFJ helps banks realize the benefits of digital banking through seamless integration ...