The age of Digital Transformation

The benefits of digital transformation of a business have been proven time and again. Business organizations which have been conducting their operations in a digitally transformed environment have reported sharp increase in their productivity and profitability. However, it is quite alarming that the number of business organizations that are planning to opt for digital transformation is not as high as expected. The main reason behind this apathy towards digital transformation is the lack of proper knowledge about the capabilities of a digitally transformed business environment. However, the awareness is increasing day by day and hopefully more organizations will come on board.

There is another factor behind the ignorance of business enterprises towards Digital Transformation. Interestingly, this factor is often ignored in analysis. This is nothing but the simple fact that digital transformation services are currently highly expensive. Every small and medium business would think twice before putting aside a huge chunk of their budget for digitally transforming their business. This would be the case especially if they are doing well without being digitally transformed. Even a few large corporations try to ignore business transformation programmes as they think the money can be invested in making profits instead. The primary counter argument is that although the digital transformation process is expensive, the returns will exceed the expenditure. This is definitely true. However, it will be much easier for smaller businesses to take a call if they could pay for the services in small instalments.

The worrisome news is that very few digital transformation service providing firms have introduced the idea of paying in instalments. Even if a few of them have done it, it is very difficult to find them in the market. This is why you should hire a digital consultant who deals in Digital Transformation. The job of the consultant would be to analyse the requirements of your business and suggest the services that would be the best for your requirements. The consultant would also advise you to look for a digital transformation service providing agency which would provide you with the required service at a low cost. However, this digital consultant would definitely charge a certain fee. So, if you are not very keen on hiring a third party digital consultant, you can do the research yourself and find out the best digital transformation service providing firm out there.


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