Are DevOps any good?

The current era is marked by remarkable technological advancements as the influence of technology has swept over business organizations all over the world. Today, even the small businesses are not hesitating in making themselves technologically sound. This is because almost everybody has realized that a business organization that will not incorporate digital technology, will lag behind its competition.

Everyone knows that digital technology can completely change the way you conduct business. However, when you are embracing technology to streamline your business operations, you must find the best way to do it. In this regard, it is imperative that a business hires the best software development company for its business transformation. There are a number of criteria to judge a software development company. The most important is the methodology it uses for software development project management.

A business the organization can definitely talk to its software service provider, regarding the methodology used for software development projects. In this regard, the business organizations must understand that there are a number of project management methodologies that are practiced. Although all the methodologies have their pros and cons, it is Devops that is shining in the market. So, a software development company that is using DevOps should be a priority in the hiring list.

The popularity of DevOps has also triggered the development of a number of automation tools. These tools automate the software development process in line with the DevOps methodology. However, one would require skilled resources to run DevOps automation tools. Many project managers confuse the methodology of DevOps with Agile and try to use Agile resources for implementing DevOps in the project.

However, there are a few fundamental differences between Agile and DevOps and so it is highly recommended to opt for specialized consultancy for the perfect implementation of DevOps in the project. When a business organization hires the services of a software development company, it must make sure that the company is availing appropriate DevOps.

It is the decision of the software development company to decide if they will hire DevOps consultants to form an internal team or if they will give the to a third party DevOps agency. Both decisions have their pros and cons. It has been observed that larger organizations tend to invest in developing their own DevOps team rather than hiring a third party agency. Developing and sustaining a home team is definitely rewarding in the long run. However, for a service availing business organization, it does not matter how the software company is arranging for this consulting. All that matters is that the methodology should be fruitful for the organization.


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